Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024 کارنت داخلی(نشر تیمورزاده)

Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024 کارنت داخلی(نشر تیمورزاده)

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    Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024 – 60th Edition Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024 – 60th Edition

    Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2024(CMDT 2024) is the 60th edition of this single-source reference for practitioners in both hospital and ambulatory settings. The book emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management in all fields of internal medicine and in specialties of interest to primary care practitioners and to subspecialists who provide general care.

    Our students have inspired us to look at issues of race and justice, which surely impact people’s health. We have therefore reviewed the content of our work to ensure that it contains the dignity and equality that every patient deserves.


    House officers, medical students, and all other health professions students will find the descriptions of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, with citations to the current literature, of everyday usefulness in patient care.

    Internists, family physicians, hospitalists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and all primary care providers will appreciate CMDT as a ready reference and refresher text. Physicians in other specialties, pharmacists, and dentists will find the book a useful basic medical reference text. Nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants will welcome the format and scope of the book as a means of quickly referencing medical diagnosis and treatment modalities.

    Patients and their family members who seek information about the nature of specific diseases and their diagnosis and treatment may also find this book to be a valuable resource.


    INNOVATIVE TABLE highlighting the “Year in Review: Key Clinical Updates in CMDT 2021,” individually listed with page numbers and reference citations, for easy access to significant changes in this edition

    New section on SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 infection

    Extensive revision of the Viral & Rickettsial Infections chapter, including new section on acute flaccid myelitis as well as updates on measles, mumps, and Zika virus

    140 NEW online images in the Heart Disease, Gastrointestinal Disorders, and Cancer chapters

    Addition of the 2024 European guidelines for treating pulmonary embolism

    New table outlining agents to consider for reversing anticoagulant effect during life-threatening bleeding based on the Anticoagulation Forum and American Society of Hematology 2024 guidelines

    Bedaquiline considered first-line medication for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

    Lefamulin, a new commercially available medication for treating community-acquired bacterial pneumonia

    New information on the combination of emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide as antiretroviral treatment for preexposure prophylaxis among men

    A two-drug regimen, dolutegravir plus lamivudine, included in the top recommended HIV antiretroviral regimens

    Recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for shared clinical decision-making regarding HPV vaccination for adults aged 26–45 years

    Substantial revision of the Sexual & Gender Minority Health chapter

    • Bempedoic acid, a new FDA-approved pharmacologic option for lowering LDL cholesterol in patients who cannot tolerate statins


    FDA approval of various closed loop systems that adjust basal insulin delivery for diabetic patients

    Eculizumab, a newly FDA-approved medication for both myasthenia gravis and neuromyelitis optica

    FDA approval of lasmiditan, a new pharmacologic option that can safely be given to migraine sufferers with cardiovascular risk factors

    The sodium-glucose linked transporter (SGLT) inhibitors slow progression of early diabetic nephropathy in addition to their having cardioprotective effects

    The US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation for hepatitis C screening of asymptomatic adults between ages 18 and 79 years

    FDA approval of adjuvant trastuzumab emtansine for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer with residual disease after standard trastuzumab-containing neoadjuvant therapy

    Data from HER2CLIMB, a phase III trial, expected to lead to FDA approval of a new therapy for breast cancer patients with pretreated HER2-positive advanced disease

    Promising results from phase 3 clinical trials of gene therapy for hemophilia A and B

    Information on bremelanotide, a second FDA-approved medication for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women

    Mepolizumab, newly FDA approved for the treatment of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis


    Medical advances up to time of annual publication

    Detailed presentation of internal medicine disciplines, plus primary care topics in gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, urology, geriatrics, orthopedics, women’s health, sexual and gender minority health, preventive medicine, and palliative care

    Concise format, facilitating efficient use in any practice setting

    More than 1000 diseases and disorders

    Annual update on HIV/AIDS and other newly emerging infections

    Specific disease prevention information

    Easy access to medication dosages, with trade names indexed and costs updated in each edition

    Recent references, with unique identifiers (PubMed, PMID numbers) for rapid downloading of article abstracts and, in some instances, full-text reference articles.


    Seven e-chapters listed in the Table of Contents can be accessed at www.AccessMedicine.com/CMDT. These online-only chapters (available without need for subscription) include

    Anti-Infective Chemotherapeutic & Antibiotic Agents

    Diagnostic Testing & Medical Decision Making

    Information Technology in Patient Care

    Integrative Medicine

    Podiatric Disorders

    Women’s Health Issues

    Appendix: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Laboratory Reference Intervals, & Pharmacogenetic Tests

    Institutional or individual subscriptions to AccessMedicine also have full electronic access to CMDT 2024. Subscribers to CMDT Online receive full electronic access to CMDT 2021 as well as

    An expanded, dedicated media gallery

    Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment (QMDT)—a concise, bulleted version of CMDT 2024

    Guide to Diagnostic Tests—for quick reference to the selection and interpretation of commonly used diagnostic tests

    CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care—delivering concise summaries of the most relevant guidelines in primary care

    Diagnosaurus—consisting of 1000+ differential diagnoses

    CMDT 2021, QMDT, Guide to Diagnostic Tests, and Diagnosaurus are also available as individual apps for your smartphone or tablet and can be found in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

    دکترجون! می‌تونی همین الان Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2024– 63th Edition (کارنت داخلی) رو با تخفیف ویژه ارزون‌تر از همه جا از دکترمارکت سفارش بدی... بزن بریم!

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    • با خرید این محصول 4499 سکه دکترکلاب دریافت میکنی!
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